
WMA Needs Your Help
By Doug Johnson

On August 31, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 2782 into law. This codified California Civil Code Section 798.17 and spelled the beginning of the end of our industry’s long-term lease exemption from rent control. Starting in 2025, all mobilehome park long-term leases will become subject to current and future rent control ordinances adopted by local governments. This soon-to-be former right of exemption was granted to parkowners decades ago and has now been eviscerated by the state. AB 2782 is an unjust law that screams out loudly to be challenged.

 WMA has a noble, 78-year history of fighting the tyranny of government overreach and the diminution of private property rights at the federal, state, and local levels. We have a seat on the Board of Trustees of the Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) — one of America’s preeminent public interest law firms dedicated to “defending and promoting individual and economic freedom in the courts.” WMA’s legislative and local government teams battle harmful bills, regulations, and ordinances every day both in Sacramento and in cities and counties across the state. And we have CSPR — our Committee to Save Property Rights.

The committee and its team of legal advisors scrupulously review current and potential cases to see how they might advance the cause of private property rights.

On December 7, 2022, CSPR discussed a potential court challenge to AB 2782. The ultimate objective of the lawsuit is to get this bad law struck down. After a robust, almost two-hour discussion, CSPR voted unanimously to green-light the lawsuit and seeded the project with $50,000. A few days later, our Board of Directors voted unanimously to allow WMA to become a plaintiff. The lawsuit was filed with the court on December 30, 2022.

Parkowners have generously stepped up to support the lawsuit, which may cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Contributions have been significant, but this could prove to be a lengthy legal battle. Will you help us save and preserve the long-term lease exemption to rent control? All contributions are greatly appreciated. Checks should be made out to CSPR with “AB 2782 Lawsuit” written on the memo line and mailed to WMA, 455 Capitol Mall, Suite 800, Sacramento, CA 95814.

Doug Johnson is WMA’s Executive Director. He can be reached at 455 Capitol Mall, Suite 800, Sacramento, CA 95814; 916.448.7002, extension 4025 phone and email:

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